Legislature won’t vote on cable theft this year

Legislature won’t vote on cable theft this year
Staff Writer, The Tennessean

A bill pitting telecommunications and entertainment companies against some of their customers won’t come up for a vote in the General Assembly this year, its sponsors said yesterday.

Backers said the bill was needed to update state law on the theft of cable and other telecommunications services.

Opponents – many of them computer professionals and enthusiasts who mobilized via the Internet – said no new law was needed and the measure as originally written threatened privacy and civil liberties.

entire story

The Rachel Corrie Saga

I’m sure you’ve all seen the news of Rachel Corrie, the Washington-based hippie that lost a fight with a bulldozer while “peace protesting” in Israel. News story links: [Seattle Times, AP]

In celebration of her sheer idiocy, blatant stupidity, and blissful ignorance, I submit for your review the following.

Definition of stupidity
Maddox: No More Hippies!
There was another cartoon that Spade had which is now offline. I’ll post it when I find it again.