If more people don’t start obeying this simple traffic guideline, I’m going to go mental. How hard is it, people? Stay in the right lane unless you are passing. Pass quickly and safely, then get back in the right lane.
In other news, I got behind a black C6 Z06 Corvette yesterday in Nashville on I-65 south, north of Franklin. That was the second new Z06 I’ve seen on the road (saw a yellow one last month on I-24 between Murfreesboro and Nashville). Anyway, we were both in the left lane rolling about 85 around traffic, and caught a big gap in traffic. I guess he was tired of seeing a Roundel in his mirror, but whatever the reason, he dropped a gear and went WOT. The exhaust note from that car is pure sex, I tell you. He must have rolled up to 140 or close, because I tried to keep him in sight speeding up to a touch over 120, and he was still pulling away from me like I was stationary. Color me impressed.