I’ve posted my CoolMon config. Modify to suit. [screenshot] [miklm.ccfg]
New Win32 builds of Phoenix have been posted, and I found some tweaks linked from the MozillaZine forums that will do amazing things for your browsing speed. Here is my user.js file. Update: Another Phoenix tip — today its all about icons. Phoenix uses the Mozilla dragon icon by default, and comes with no other. So, go here and download your choice of icons, save it to your phoenix program directory (eg, c:\Program Files\Phoenix\) as chrome\icons\default\main-window.ico (you’ll have to make the icons\default directory) — then change the icon in Windows by right-clicking your shortcut -> Properties -> Change Icon -> Browse and select the new icon. The main-window.ico file will make it use your new icon in the task bar for the window. [screenshot] And after you do that, watch this: Terry Tate: Office LinebackerCategory: Tech
Bad news bears
No good news from the Phoenix front. First, there was this Slashdot post (make what you will of it), but then followed up by this discussion on the Phoenix forums at MozillaZine.
So long, and thanks for all the fish.
227 days uptime. Gone. Down the drain. I managed to keep my two servers up and running for 227 days without a single second of downtime, and then we blew a circuit breaker at 00:15 Wednesday at the office which went undiscovered until after 06:00, by which time the battery backup units had long since drained. I guess now would be a good time to do upgrades like adding drive space or something… Time to add an automated generator at the office, eh? At least we’ve put off-site monitoring in place as of last night that will alert us via cell phone (SMS text messaging) should we lose network connectivity again. Yes, we should have done that a long time ago…
It snowed some this morning, but seems to have slacked off by the late afternoon. It better either come a foot of snow, or go ahead and turn into spring. I hate bleak winter weather unless it includes enough snow to sled in or make snow balls.
Update: I just got a free large Coca-Cola from Long John Silver’s. That may be the bright point of my week.
Airport delays and travel conditions
I’ve decided that the “new” logo up there is utterly despicable, and I’m tired of this blue background too. Problem is, I don’t have time right now to change it. Yes, its 02:12, and I’m at the office (as I have been since 08:15 Monday, and most of the weekend). Two Cisco 26xx routers are newly configured, and I’m working on a Lucent/Ascend MAX TNT. That isn’t going so well, so if you care to volunteer support, drop me an email.
Which reminds me, Steve called me earlier tonight to inform me of some improvements to Sublimemail that he wants me to test on my mail domain. I’m looking forward to seeing how this works, since my SPAM levels have been steady increasing of late.
Speaking of improvements, I got fed up with Trillian on Friday as it kept munging my Buddy Lists on AIM. I prefer Gaim in Linux for a messaging client anyway, and was elated to find a much-improved 0.60-alpha4 release for Win32 available. I’ve been using it for three days or so now, and its still got several annoying bugs that need stomping, but its much better than -alpha3 and I’ll take it and its bugs over Trillian for now.
Update: I couldn’t stand it anymore. Layout changed again.
A rolling cluster-bomb.
Can anything else break today? So far I’ve had the following devices fail:
I’m just wondering what else is going to malfunction by the end of the day. I’ve lost access to every semblance of portable computing that I owned today. At least my cell phone (Motorola v60c) still works. Oh, you know what makes the laptop drive failure even worse? I just did a format and clean install about a week ago. Well, maybe that’s a good thing — I had nothing on there to lose to the data gremlins.
I ordered a new Hitachi 40GB 2.5″ UATA100 5400RPM hard drive for the laptop, and I just bought a Sony Clie PEG-SJ30 PDA to replace the Palm.
Anyway, maybe my 4Runner won’t break before the end of the day. I’m fully expecting to leave the office to find a dead battery, flat tire, or something… It’s just one of those days.
On a lighter note, this morning (before everything started breaking) I ordered Super Troopers, Ronin, and The James Bond Story on DVD.
DashPC – The Linux Car
Saw Christopher Bergeron’s rocking Jetta running Linux at PhreakNIC. Awesome setup, imo.
Phoenix > you.
I have a new favorite web browser, and therefore you should too. “Phoenix is a redesign of the Mozilla browser component, similar to Galeon, K-Meleon and Chimera, but written using the XUL user interface language and designed to be cross-platform.” It doesn’t have all that extra junk that you don’t need; therefore Phoenix > all_else(browsers).
New laptop! pwn!
I got a chance to trade a lesser amount of cash plus my trusty ol’ HP Omnibook 4100 for a much more uptown Dell Latitude. Yee haw, etc. System specs here (“cromwell” is the system name).